Still looking...

November 16th, 2004
Current Mood: tired
but what will I find? Heading off to Seattle to visit Blood come Saturday; Randy and Toni Ann were successful in their bicostal jet setting, meaning that come the end of the month we'll not have them to boss around any more. Godspeed, mi amigos, godspeed. Or should that be Saabspeed?

A house on a lake near Sarasota. Huh, perhaps mr. will will meet them and make friends.

The amigo took a turn for the worse with a dead electrical system - jumps made it work, but if I turned it off, I was stuck. So, got to Autozone today, did an alternator replacement, and... nada. Damn. Perhaps tomorrow we'll find out that the battery gave up the ghost. Who knows. Saddens me a bit, wish it wasn't a problem.

Halo 2 has taken over Alicia and my life for the last few days. Yay. It is fun to play with the one you love. Nothin' bad about hanging with T-Dog and getting the guns blazing within hours of it's release; but snugglin with a pup on your legs while shooting up bad guys (and the occasional good guy - sorry) has extra goodness!!

Got a pretty sad picture of the sliverest of moon next to a palm tree at work tonight. 'backlit palms' is a word set the bounces off my head from time to time. sunsets. palm trees. California, baby. reminds me to relax and enjoy - it's not as nice in some places.

And so a few lines, some news - nothing monumental. Nothing to remember that in 15XX days, we get a change. Nothing to recall the sacrifices made in our names. Nothing about Ashcroft heading away from a department that should change it's name to 'terror' from 'justice'; and Colin steps aside. I feel for the man - I believe he's a genuine leader - but sadly was used to corrupt what america stands for. Truth. Justice. The American Way. 500 word essays on exactly what that's supposed to mean are expected Monday morning.

Fallujah falls - we replace the pictures of charred torsos hanging from the bridge with triumphant Marines crossing the same bridge. Answer me this - why?

Just downloaded WinAmp 5.0 - read how AOL killed Nullsoft division, who made WinAmp; thought I'd get the latest and greatest to show support; WinAmp's visualizations alway have rocked MMJB's butt!

Spinning some Massive Attack to chill a bit; got to get past the broken truck and crushing weight of nothingness; of not being important enough; of life. Soon, breaking bread and spilling bear and warm spiked cider with Blood and Bob; their chickens clucking where I'm used to Blue singing her 'let my puppies go' wimperings at 2 in the morning (she stuck to her original schedule, even though we changed our clocks (thanks mom!) and thus she frees herself...)

And another fabulously odd scott entry.
