Late at night... getting ready for an early morning...

Current Music:Do You Realize..

Boo's off to FLA tomorrow... er - in 5 hours.
Neither of us are tired.
The dogs think we're nuts...

I spent more time outside the house than in today!!! Weeeee!!!!


Boo loves Mable for some reason...
she says it's sexy! It pauses when you remove the earphones from the jack... so cool!

In the theme of all cool things Apple, the sad news that Rosa Parks passed was noted with a respectful display at Apple's web site. Gotta give them credit for doing good things.

Sad news for the day was the fact that 2,000 soldiers have now died fighting for a war that got started because our leader, the guy the public elected to lead this country lied to us every damn chance he had. Fucked up shit! Oh ya - where in the world is Osama? Fucking Bush...

Other sad news, closer to home, is Master P's busted Bug - so glad she isn't too hurt!

Well, a 2 a.m. WOW wish - sincerely, peace in our time...
