Late and chilly...

Current Mood:alive
Current Music:sounds of slumber

Boo speaks of chipping frosty ice off the Jettamino the other morn, when she left Carries...
we have the bed turned to "H", keeps us warm... my bike ride this morning was brisk - even though I was wearing two layers - forgot the wind blocking outer layer - doh!

Blue is 'hotdogged' between boo and I. Boo's bundled up and under the covers. Trying to fight a bug that's around.

I spent the night running errands - doggie stuff, people stuff, mail, odds and ends.

I like it when I'm awake, the house is quiet, the pups have settled and I ponder the good fortune that's put me here.
Boo stirs as I gently touch her back; she turns, but smiles when I say 'sorry' - that's when I know things are good. I'm often all grumpy and curmudgeonly in the evenings after boo's home from the office - 'hey, a little help here, please' as I get ready to walk the canela again... but it's these times, in the quiet moments of our lives, when it's all just right, just perfect and it's what makes my heart so happy, so filled with love. What a corny statement, but it's true. I think of these times when I worry, these are the things I'll fight to the death for. These are the priceless objects of my affection, and I'm thankful to be so rich.

Boo is quite peaceful when she slumbers - no worry wrinkles on her forehead; canela snores, and blue is fine, until she's off to play with friends - chasing nancy until they're both too tired to bounce anymore - or until I poke Blue cause she's hurting me with her feet!!

There's a whole world of change coming down the pike at Boo and I. I'll have a whole new position to be in, and our lives will change for the better. I rolled in from hitting our post office box and I took a drive around Silverlake. It dawned on me that there it is, a lake in our fair metropolitan mecca, and it's got a fence around it. We're headed off to a place that I'm pretty sure has a number of lakes nearby, and I'm not expecting any fences.

We're finally hitting the 'joys of closing' - we wait on an email with our POA - as the sellers get our inspection/repair request, and it's a rush to close while people enjoy the holidays. I told Boo it wouldn't be easy, and until now we've really lucked out - and by lucked out I mean we have the best friends in the world!! Thank goodness I've got some time to spend chasing the things we need. I just hope it all happens smoothly.

I've seen Casino Royale - fabulous, even though I was in the very front row of a fairly big AMC theater; also saw Deja Vu, came home and watched The Constant Gardner on TiVo.

I'm trying to play 'page designer' for Jeremy's SoCal Sports Journal - he professes love for what I've created, but I feel like the fraud that I am - I'm hitting it with a stick over and over - granted, I've got years of magazine reading under my belt, but design? Ugh... he's impressed, so I guess as long as the client sees the magic, it's all good. But really, I'll need to pursue that next on my schooling cycle.

wondering if the 2 o'clock wow will strike, but my day has been hectic - up til 6, nap til 9, hit school, do some work about the abode, then nap 'til boo's home, then more stuff... and now she's blissfully dreaming happy dreams, and I'm blogging.

Oh - The Show with Ze Frank ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Trying to work on Flickr - see if it could be the photo location of my dreams - Ping recommends it and I believe MickeyMatt sent me a link there too. (nope - he sent a picasa link - oh the competing services that we all should be enjoying!!!) Was noticing that lots of friends links from ttocsland don't work - doh!!! always a joy to find something that's broke.

Ok. think I'll end this ramble since it's killing me to type like this -
may the spirit of the holidays make you all feel good.


dona nobis pacem
