ttocsland April 13th, 2007 Current Mood:wrecked Current Music:James Nachtwey - His wish - Share a vital story with the world; TEDTalks 2007 I watch and take in the greatness and the fabulousness of the speakers at TED. It's seeping into my soul.. in through the pores, causing there to be something else... something that wasn't there. Thoughts. Hopes. Dreams. Belief. I've put on James Nachtwey's talk - it will rip out my heart, and make me cry. Again. Why do I have that one on? There are less heartrending talks - Dean Kamen's was stunning - and I pursued more knowledge on the Sterling cycle engine - quite possibly the magic we need to continue on this earth (solar energy becomes electricity) ... Is the fleeting high of hope not as powerful as the deep sorrow that Mr. Nachtwey shows and share? We live in a dream... we are not awake. powerful and eloquent ... courage and will he has not given up... I try to give up - I try to stop the emotions... but it's not possible... Mr. Nachtwey showed fewer pictures in a 20 minute slide show than I put up in one minute - his images are powerful and moving and ... true. Mine - just as true, but ... much less powerful. I want to share these talks with my mom - I think she'll find them moving, inspiring. I think my dad would find them fascinating also. I need to share them - share TED - with my friends, with those who can still change their paths to impact the world around us. I wonder - hell, I know Gerard has seen this - I'll send him a note anyways. So. Friday afternoon, a wonderful spring day, boo on her way soon; life is new and different and the same and good - very good. I'm very luck, and very very thankful that life has taken me to where I am now. I'll let the words and thoughts and emotions seep in, seep deep into my soul. I'll stand upon the thoughts, and act. I will act on my new knowledge, on my new hopes.
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