ah ... time away. That was nice...

Current Mood: thankful
Current Music:the ticking of the clock...
of course, it's nearly a week later and I'm no where caught up.

Trip back from Upstate was somewhat pleasant. Justin knows some good shortcuts - yay! Didn't have to check my luggage, so I made money on the flight back - yay! Boo picked me up along with Mel and the Zachster - yay!

Right back into the work thing but only for a short week - yay!
Saturday Boo and I sat Zach for the girls, thus allowing a brief moment of quietude for them, what with Mel having a birthday on Sunday (yay!!!). The three of us ... went to Moe's for nibbles, wandered out and about - adventuring, as Zach likes to say, until we found 'off-roading', which Zach finds much amusing. Boo, less so.
Then we adventured into 'Bumstead' park- it's right there. next to durham, just up the road from Moe's. Who knew? It was close to closing (the park has hours - as opposed to 'sundown', which Cali likes to use...) so we drove abit, found a nice water thing to step out and take some pics, give some blood to the local biting population, and then we skedaddled! Is that a word? Whoa spellchecked - wonder what it really means.

More adventuring - I knew a place, a place to make us happy. All I had to do was find it. We got lost. in the 'big city' of Raleigh - though we did see pedi-cabs about the downtown area, and the state capital, and ... still lost though. But just up the road from Peace College was the reward for giving it a shot - Krispy Kreme! Oh the happiness of a warm donut! Zach loved to watch the making of the donuts, and we all loved the tasty happiness of a hot Krispy Kreme!

Back home to check on blue, get some stuff for an overnight - and I tried to bribe Zach into an overnight with a 'slumber camp set' - an inexpensive kids sized tent, sleeping bag, along with a miniature tent and sleeping bag. He was having nothing of it, but boy is it fun to be too tired and try to assemble things. Weeeeeee!

We crashed at the girls place, awoke to 'morning' - who's idea is that? and started our fun Sunday with a brunch at Rue Cler in downtown Durham - so nice. Tasty ... er... french fried dough. A good gathering where Mel got a few nice gifts. We'll see how high she can soar this year!!

More adventuring for Scott and Zach through the afternoon, even hitting a book store with the shortest - did you know there's a kids book called 'The Forecast calls for rain with a chance of meatballs'? Who knew...

And Monday was a long day of work and after-work meetings - ever notice how close meetings and beatings are spelled??

Ok. So that's your Tuesday update. Travel plans in the near future include the beach and upstate, with a chance of Left Coast!! Weeeeeeeee....


dona nobis pacem
"Keep Calm and Carry On"
