
Current Mood: thankful
1998 - wow - that was a great year. Turned 30 in July, nearly burned a cake to ashes.

I worked at Merrill Lynch in Pasadena until a 'market correction' in October placed me in the 'laid off' category. I believe I ended up at MacTemps/Aquent then, following Alicia there ....
did I get my first gig at Roll, Int'l, fine pervayor of collectible plates, that year?

Trying to think if Boo and I had any wild adventures - possibly hanging with Adam & Jess in San Diego for the holidays - I recall an illuminated naval ship - wait - what does LJ tell me ... nada.

1998 was my first year in Los Angeles. I experienced the joy of bicycling about Pasadena, went to see a number of test screenings of movies (a kurt russell flick Soldier is one I know ended up released), had my bike stolen from the parking area of Merril Lynch, moved to Arcadia with Boo. Did Blood and Bob swing thru on a visit in 98? or was it 99?

10 years on ... hasn't everything changed? As it is wont to do.

dona nobis pacem

"Keep Calm and Carry On"
