wow - another 'snow' day in the triangle...

Current Mood: thankful
Current Music:The Dresden Dolls - Backstabber
though nothing I've seen - but would explain the wet back porch, I guess. Also the 35 degrees outside - brrrrr....

The inLaws seem to be enjoing themselves - got out to 9th and Broad streets yesterday for some book and chotchky shopping.

Had a fine gatheirng of good people last night - everyone seemed to enjoy, and it really made me happy to have peeps over having a good time. The dining room rocked with food, drink and games. Oh, and dessert!

We'll have to do it again soon.

Hope everyone's Pres. Day rocks ...

~ S ~

||| dona nobis pacem||| "Keep Calm and Carry On" or
"Keep Calm ..."
