the quiet start to a new week...

what wonderful things will happen before its end?
well ... I'm sure I'll have a pic or two of my cute pup Blue -

Hell, I'll even have a pic or three from a road trip to Upstate come the end of the week.

Just like I have a pic or two from this past weekend - Thursday was the first day of Morgan and I's photography class (oh yeah - we're learning to take pictures - I'm sure everyone here will appreciate that!) - see?

then Saturday we made it over to Carrie & Nate's for a yummy dinner (Thai spiced pizza - yum!!) and a refill on our 'oh my god they're sooooooo cute' bucket via Pascal's pups -

sooooo cute!!
There was a gorgeous sunset on the way to Cary-town...

Oh - I forgot to push this link as something you'll find funny - but you will:
Lewis Black on the Daily Show, on Eat, Pray, Love.

And this one ...
A tribute to Ray Bradbury

hope things are going well for you!


~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||

"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
