Tuesday, 7:07am - it's the end of August & the kids are alright

or at least I hope they're having the time of their lives - either or, sure it's gonna be alright, how about that?

12 hour run down from Upstate yesterday - lovely day to be on the road, really. not too much construction, no tickets, generally happy mood in the car - weeeeeee!!!

Got two albums up over at Picasa ... one's 'Jo-Anne and Matt' - pics from the rehearsal/wedding day, and also a set of pics from 'Upstate' - those include the great old buildings along Route 8, the lovely clouds over farmland we ran into after sleeping too long in Pennsylvania, and various haunts of old from my 'childhood home' as boo calls it.

here's a couple from Jo-Anne and Matt:

And here's a couple from Boo & I's run to Upstate and back:

More to come I'm sure - but go and take a look at the happy couple, and a wonderful place to spend a weekend.

Hey - wanna see a pic of our happy puppy when we returned from our weekend away?

~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||

"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
