oh durham town...

I've been pushing my livejournal posts to my blogger account, and just last night got to the point where boo & I bought hobbithouse, and me and the pups had landed.

I'm certainly sure that I'm happy to be a Durham-ite 4 years in, and just one of the reasons is that one of our hometown bands is awesome. Actually, most of our bands are awesome, but the Mountain Goats are awesome, no doubt about it.


Power In A Union from JD on Vimeo.

Thanks John. Sucks that Wisconsin is gonna have to fight for rights that seem to be presumed. We'll see if my ~100 a year adds that one needed voice to the people's voice.


~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||

"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
