so, here's the future - it's gonna be fucking great...

I love TED. I find that every time I take the few minutes of my life / work / rest and allow my mind to intake what is actually possible by our fellow humans, by people who happen to be doing things the rest of us will enjoy - I'm just left saying 'wow' over and over again...

I have this idea that if we can get robot cars, and we can deal with them, we might even get the one thing none of us have enough of - time - to use as we want to. Have a drink on the way home, watching the Daily Show... nice, eh?

and speaking of time, and what people do with it - the ending of this vid kinda says it all, eh?

Hope everyone's april is starting fabulously ... tune in soon for an update on "Fuck you all" february, and "me my mine" march.


~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||

"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
