A good day...

{9:07pm + 11Sep2012 = Tuesday eve} || {The Long Road - Eddie Vedder + - A:ATTH}
odd as that may be. But, that's how it's gone - who am I to complain?
A kinda stupidly lovely day today - not warm at all, sunny and bright and full of hope.

Best thing by far today, this -
- tasty cakes, tasty tea, treats I might not deserve -
My beloved loves me.

She shows that to me in hundreds of special and happy-making ways every day. From the loving concern when my morning allergy/migraine visited today, through her kind words as I make my way into and through (over?) my collegieate scavenger hunt, to a minor 'hug me now, damnit' upon my arrival back from schooling - two wheels can be a bit much at times; to a savory pasta and salad dinner that was wonderful.
She even gave me a piece of her cake. For me to enjoy. I suspect it's out of love. Could be the 'way to a man's heart' thing, but I am gonna go with love.

I get to ride my motorcycle, cause she loves me.
I get tasty food, cause she loves me.
I get a piece of her tasty treats, which I do not deserve, but that just makes me the luckiest guy in all of Durhamtown!

Thought I'd share that with you all. I truly hope that today, of all the hard days we have to get through, someone who loves you shared their cake with you.

}S{ | dona nobis pacem |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
