We gathered & welcomed...

first, a farewell
I'm cheating a bit, quarter after midnight into the 2nd of January. Boo rests besides me, Karl & Holly & Mika laugh in the living room, a light rain on the leaves makes the cool breeze from the open window that much more excellent.

We made it. We had a fire to send off 2012 while beckoning the century's teen-angst to enter - sure that's not gonna be a problem, right?

So much to write, so much to share - like the snap above - 100 feet to the west, and I get such a clear shot of the sunset - location, location, location! - not that in front of Hobbit House was horrible -
colors and clutter in a december sky
but perhaps a good thing to ponder now and again. What does it look like from over there?

No matter how I look at it, this is the truth - our friends made our year.

It's really as simple as that. Boo & I can't begin to imagine where we'd be without you all. As I've said - we have so much gratitude and love for every one of you. So much...

Our Friends & Their Monkey
Of like minds, we gathered ... wonderful reminders of the great things of the past year. How is it having friends come over makes US feel lucky? Odd...

Howdy Mika
Friends traveled to visit us again & that feels great. Didn't think I nailed the 'great impression' last time, but I'm up for giving it another go round. We can always ply them with Q Shack, am I right?

A day of much joy, lots of effort (Boo rocking the 6am bootcamp!!) and good friends - yeah, gathering and welcoming went rather well.

I hope you and yours had as good a time...

}S{ | dona nobis pacem |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
