Goodbye October ... Hello November

time takes it toll
Yo, November - I saw you sneaking up; welcome.
October, glad to have made it through once again, I'll look for you when it's time to see you once more.

Haven't been as prolific as I always think I want to be. Upside - you don't have to scratch your heads as you ponder the words strung and stuck together. I'm feeling pretty good about November though - been working through some things.

ah, a tasty beverage - refreshing

We've been pushing furniture around at the Hobbit House for, er, 7 years. Got some good tetris playing accomplished recently - trying to make it so we can accommodate visitors a tad easier than we've done in the past … had a quick run with a visit from Blood before we ran to the beach, will get another practice with Jen's visit soon. Yay us!

With the puzzle palace arrangementing I did end up out back on the sun porch, making it my den ... ha, guess I can  offer a post title of "Greetings from the p~en / p*en / p^en / p{}en / p=en / p|en / p.en ...." ala Timbuk3's Greetings from Timbuk3!, circa '86? hmmm... (speaking of oddly named blog posts, anyone recall High Contrast Palms? didn't think so ... sigh)
But that's for tomorrow...

game 73 of Hobbit House Tetris - perhaps a winner!

We got through All Hallows Eve. We enjoyed celebrating Boo's birthday!! (so far, a bit better this time around...) Yay us!!

a tasty morsel!

boo gets gifts!

You guys be good to each other, ok? November has lots to offer us as we trip down/over memory lane, so let's not rush into this headstrong. We'll stroll like we own this place!

 }S{ | dona nobis pacem |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"

{{12:14a +01Nov13 = the beginning of a new month! || quietness as we sit on the sofa, window ajar for the last breaths of summer drift in under the darkness of night}}


  1. I have always thought the back room there would make a great office. Yay!


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