Even in October ... Additive

c. ~ Feb, seek a safe place to gather
How do we figure out the additive love that brings happiness to many?
How do we take the chaos and craziness and lift it to a higher ground? How to go for the bigger picture argument?
Was that the path of the Round Table talks? Or was that a gathering of like-minded who already agreed? How to get across to the middle ground to have a talk with those who see the sky as green, the grass as blue, and water as dry?
c. July 2015 - "what is that? Monster lights?" - could be...
I watched a number of TED talks to regain some faith in humanity from events both far and near.
No scraps of man. Justness. amazing bionics. Additive love and a family of 4 kids to 5 parents in 3 states. Not living your parent's life - living your own.

c. April 2015 - awaiting a change of season
Choices to be made - so many. Make good choices.

Even in October.

:: s :: | vivere militare est |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
