Even in October ... Kindness

your humble narrator, c. 2011, at the start of this chapter ...
Kindness. I'm sure I have this wrong, and that's a bummer. I'm fine with trying to be kind - but I don't nail it. I don't give as much as I can - out of judgment, out of laziness, out of bygone interactions that left me unhappy. Talk about bruised ego.

I'm faced with finding kindness in my heart for those who are actively being mean to my friends. To those I care deeply about. Impacting the lives of children (What about the Children???!!!) - they're adults, with intelligence and education. Yet they're not being kind. I wonder why...

... but the answer is sooooooo close, I can't see it.
a very good friend, c. 2011, picturing a full & happy hut
What am I left with - questions and pondering, baseless hopes straight from the Hallmark channel during the holidays, and fears of where this all will leave me. I want to be kinder than I am, and I like to think I'm pretty kind.

From the Google:
the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
synonyms: kindliness, kindheartedness, warmheartedness, affection, warmth, gentleness, concern, care; More
a kind act.
plural noun: kindnesses
"it is a kindness I shall never forget"
synonyms: kindliness, kindheartedness, warmheartedness, affection, warmth, gentleness, concern, care;"

And so we go, along this path - oh where ever shall we end up?
mirth & joy, for Major, c. 2011, in the Bull City, durhamtown
Wherever this takes us, I hope that there will be happy foolishness for all of us. I really do. It promotes kindness.

Even in October.

:: s :: | vivere militare est |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
