Of Moms, Love & Memory...

c. 2003. Love ya ma
in the fall, the crisp weather makes me think. Of things I don't like to think about.

c. ?? - Mom, her Pop and her Mom...
I tend to peruse the images I have at my disposal. I like it when I find new ones... like this one above - wonder how Mom's life was, Walt and Mabel and their daughter - their family. at the brick wall - perhaps a band in the making?

c. 1970 - Mom goes camping
I find the ones that show the joy you had in your life, and that makes me happy.
Missing you makes me sad. Perhaps I trek this path trying to find balance.

sadly, finally, I return to the point of no return. Where I have to accept that all the love in the world doesn't change the fact that our time here is short, and fleeting.

I miss ya mom. I'm so very lucky to have had your guidance and love and support. I stumble through some parts of this life and think you'd have a kind ear, a loving word, and I'd trundle onward. Stumbling and trundling - could be the band name!

c. 2008  ... a crisp fall night that was complete crap
I like this pic because it reminds me that in my pain, in the pain my sisters and I fell headlong into, strangers welcomed us, made us as comfotable as they could, and resoutley celebrated a good woman's life. To you fabulous bunch of complete stangers... many and much thanks. Lo these many years on...

your favorite son...

:: s :: | vivere militare est |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
