Jul '16 - flowers at a Blues joint |
With this much power, how come I'm incredible disorganized?
How can I find the path to where all the new and shiny machines have REPLACED the old busted stuff? Do I need a windows XP machine? Do I?? Really?? GAh ...
Though, of note, that machine has a 120GB hard drive; so I attached my spare 1TB external drive and am dragging over 30GB of ... stuff.
Saw my pics folders from 2009. Noted that I have AIM installed on that machine.
OneNote also - so there's that for consistency at least.
That machine is 10 years old, having been a wedding present to myself. Oh how smart I thought I was being. Sigh.
Jun '00 - two adventurers who were NOT eaten by the pacific ocean! |
So tonight's post is for Terry - the rugged good lookin' fellow above, left.
T-dog got to see a super secret work center that Disney had up and running in 2000.
'03? - good times, redonodo - the OC!! |
It had - wait for it - a 2 terra-byte RAID server - it was for digital animation (Bug's life? Ants? Something like that...) - sooooo impressive for the turn of the century.
'03 - Terry doing things he wanted to do |
T-dog, I hope life is treating you wonderfully, wherever you are. And as for technology, is it wrong that I kinda ache for a mountain cabin? Hmmm...
be good, love your friends and family, listen to good music.
:: s :: | vivere militare est |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"[10:03p + 4Aug2016 = Thursday eve || "Shaking the Tree" from Peter Gabriel]
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