merry month of June arrives, studded with dates of importance

her joy was visible
So today is/was my mom's birthday.
[12:14 + 5Jun2017 = Monday PM || Common People on keXp]

10:35a + 7 Jun 2017 = Wednesday || keXp JItM plays Johnny Cash Show intro followed by Prince's Let's Go Crazy

//and a few days later (blogging is tough when you can't type 'cause the cute one is in your arms for three hours each night. sigh.)//

Rumbly's first dinner out - Blue Note Grill, durhamtown, Jun 2017

Me, Auntsy Shannon, Boo & Rumbly at Blue Note Grill for anniv/first outing joy! 6/17

So, 11 years celebrated with an outing with our son to a BBQ joint, joined by a new good friend. Can't rightly complain - there was much joy and happy, and truly that's what an anniv should be, should celebrate. the past 11 plus the prior 9 or so ... what a life I've lived, what a path I've walked.

Blue-dog was Sunday, Mom Monday, Boo & I tuesday, a break today, tomorrow's Canela, or maybe Wendy, then Canela ... and that's just one week here in the June.
Blue Monkey Highlight takes a nap from her hard day-to-day life. Also she ate that futon after this pic. ~2003, Hollywood
Blue was the first step in making things ... better, bigger. It went from Boo and me to Boo, Blue and me. subtle, but significant.
It was - I think - the first active step (as baby a step as it was) in the opening up to the external my own narrative. Prior - even though I was 'with' Boo, we were indivdual; as I had been since ... oh, forever. I can see the challenges I ran into and just didn't push hard against. A lot of fear and anxiety and fear - kept me limited in the life I led. Not that getting a pup was the perfect plan, no - it just felt good and right and made Boo stupid happy (her story of Blue coming over and sitting in her lap shivering at the pound - well, that rips my heart out a bit whenever I think of it).
A plan. Someday that'll be nice to have.

Canela being awesome, on the deck at HH in Durhamtown, ~2007
Just a few days later Canela became our 2nd pup and filled out the odd ness of just th three of us!
the adjustment wasn't hard, what with our entire routine up-ended by feeding and walking and poop picking up and anxiety of face eating of friends and strangers and the goodness of doggie snuggles. It was a confusing and exciting and fascinating time. 6 months on we'd all go for a road trip to the Russian River! such fun

Here's an extra Mom pic, along with a nod to Shari and Wendy and Blood; erm Phonecian? Upstate, circa 200?
Of sisters, of birthdays, of celebrations that I hope are enjoyed. Wish things were different between us, but I'm not going to bend. May we all have many more.

so, in about 16 months I can see how things compare, eh? Thanks Ma ... 

So I'm blogging a bit. Trying to stay away from FaceSpace/MyBook - it has been pulling me down and eating my time/mind.
To counter, to find the good and a happy place to start I listen to keXp every weekday morning.
That tends to make me feel the good feels, even if they're sad feels.

After I finish my workday, I don't run to visit friends enough, but when we do - say McCabe's before a brief porch sit, it's really really nice. They tell me how cute my son is and I tell them Boo did a great job with what she got.
I should walk my pup more often - her nails are dangerous. Again. sigh.
I need to work on the house, but with the Framily's help the garage is neat and cleared out and a good starting point.

So this is my June, I worry a lot but about ethereal things; the concrete things (anybody need to hire a Scott?) I let slip away. But action begets action; energy attracts more energy.

and love wins in the end

