of particulates & participation - a love + hate story

clouds drift in, clouds drift out, my mind is ... unlike a clear blue sky: c aug '17, durhamtown
'you bring your hate & I'll bring my love and we'll meet in the town square - bet i know who wins'
said bravely to the semi-full sink of dirty dishes
as the pup sits and suns
the boy crys
the world spins
hope ... deflates a little, if not fades

a temple, a fire breathing Unicorn, and a Burning Man meet in the northern Nevada desert for a holiday weekend: c sep 2017, black rock city via YouTube (thanks @motorbikematt)

Participation & immediacy - make art from the screen grabs, but please, no saving and restreaming
Privacy & consent - this beautiful/harsh/lovely/daunting view is shared by thousands, none of whom you should be able to identify
Inclusiveness & self-reliance - you've got this - any and every single one of you
to gather, to commune, to live, love, laugh & cry - not a bad way to spend a week/end, eh?

here's to love - well placed, unexpected, wonderful. Here's to loss - damn it sucks: c sep 2017, with love, from Carol, to Stephen

Particulates lead to precipitation, which somewhat is phonetically ironic what with perception and participation might be stunted if there are enough or not enough particulates.

Aaron Joel Mitchell. I did not know, do not know, will not know - but his participation led to perceptions, led to precipitation, is leading to deep pondering. And projected fears.
and on a sunny, cool, Monday morning as Stephen stretches, coos, attempts to roll, but is killing the core with leg lifts for days, I look to my Boo - I recall our shock from yesterday, the suddenness of it, the quashing of joys and hope. Reality bites.
Aaron, I hope ... your pain is over. that you've found peace. I'll take your example and wonder.

left, right, up, down, zigzag - c sep 2017, durhamtown
life offers deceptive views of paths offered.
In the desert southwest you will see the distant mountains outlined, but no matter how hard and furiously you walk, you will never make it to the summit - it's an illusion. it's not where you really are.
But that's alright - you are where you are - apparently it's the place we should start at.

a scene in the desert, but not what it seems: c sep 2017, black rock city via YouTube (thanks @motorbikematt)

//9:03a+4Sep17=mon morn: sinead's black boys into sweet dreams duet//
