even in August, quiet nights fly by so quickly

other-worldly coloration, but it looks sooooo soft - Aug '18, durhamtown
'write every day. give a speech, make a podcast every week' - hmmm... well that's a good idea, eh?

bright beautiful western light, a play room with the best toy ever - a cardboard box! - aug '18, hobbit house
I have ideas. Have always had ideas - remember the converted semi that would go from town to town in rural Kentuky and - with some kinda magic - allow the kids to a) hear music from all over, and b) make a personalized compact disc!!! I blame UTK's left of the dial station with introducing me to social d & hank rollins - and my sensible heart worried that there were people unable to have the awakening I had. things must be done! ... sigh.

It is quite depressing, however, to pull my head out of the clouds, attack my daydreaming habits, and face the cruel reality that my choices haven't placed me where I need to be.
I'm faced with what should be a terrifying cliff, a fall into the abyss, and all I seem capable of acting upon is my blather, my perusal of all the world has to show - not action, not planning to act, mere acknowledgement that there's a problem. and I continue on my merry way.
I fear there might be a problem with that instinctual maneuvering. Wish me luck.

sometimes I think I have a skill / ability with taking photographs - most of the time I don't - hobbit house, jul '12
As the nights fly by, as I drag my attention from all those moments behind me, try to see what it is that I want to build - what I want from the future, I have pangs of hope.
I can build on that. 
'write once a day. speak once a week' - ok. One down, one to go.

Here's to a marvelous future.


//11:43p + 16Aug2018= thursday eve || of gardening hopes and dream, fueled by .white .hats, and the resonating echoes of an angel returned to heaven//
