as the sun blasts into our house...

December 10th, 2004
Current Mood:blinded
Current Music:"Sultans Of Swing" by Dire Straits, Live Aid Concert
Guess I've missed the sun lately. didn't realize it, but when I finally threw myself out of bed to handle the trash detail, the sun was on the horizon, fighting with clouds - only a small bit of clear sky at the horizon. All sunny and warm colored.

45 minutes later and the sun has rendered the living room and kitchen a whiteout - I glance around and am left blinded. Weeeee.... blinded.

Amigo problems seem to be fixed with a fresh ground wire from battery to engine block. happy to have such a simple solution, a bit fearful of how that can fix a problem that won't come back later and bight me in the ass. We'll see if she even starts later this morning, but I was quite happy - frankly a little too happy - to see the idiot lights come on when I put the key in the ignition. Oh the joys of modern technology - I'm sure back in the day when the horse didn't make any noise when you spurred them, you friend/parent/lover pointed out something witty like "well, scott - that horse is dead"... then you drank some whiskey and shot into the air or something like that.

We hung out with friends last night - Carrie's mom bought a new house and i'm not even gonna try to describe what a wonderful gem of a home it is, except to say, as we sat in her front room, in front of a jeweled window, on sofas from the 60s, with no lights (no electrical outlets, actually - being rewired), no phones, no refreshments - it was just truly relaxing - all happiness of new found residence. Pictures will be on their way, I'm sure, but I can only hope that from what she has started, she ends up with something she'll cherish for another 50 years.

We then went to C&N's new place, which is also a small house. Nutmeg was crazy with doggie love, but she's got a nice back yard to run about in, and they've got a lovely sized home in which to watch their roomba do it's little dance - quite mezmorizing to tell you the truth, and nutmeg thinks it's a great toy.

And that was my Thursday. How was yours?

