Good writing.

February 8th, 2005
Current Mood: good
Current Music:A horse going clip clop clip clop
I should probably figure out what that is, since I've not actually produced any of it in quite some time.

I know that I can, I know that I have, but this bloggin' stuff is trite - nothing wrong with that, but I should definitely have higher expectations.

A couple of places I've been with much better writing:

Well written stories from a place I've never been.

More sensible comments on how to fix things, as opposed to how to screw them up.

Sars does it right - plus offers grammar answer too!

well, bit of a red letter day tonight -

TK - need to find this pic

We'll see how my continuing education works out. I hope it's as interesting as school has always been for me.

Ok. Nothing amazing, but I needed to note a bit...

