Good words...

"Your mind is always occupied by something, so it may as well be something helpful"
Dustin Hoffman; I Hear Huckabees

We're getting some yardwork done - though it's mostly weedeating.

"sorry I grabbed you"

Explorers - 1985 - ethan hawke, river phoenix and an apple IIc, I believe.

The Roswell Christms Story episode - very touching...

5:51pm 04Feb06
A day... for Kent. Declan's heart will be heavy...
Hello Julia, hello wonderful TaraMulan...
"Can you help me catch the sun?" ~ from the mouths of babes, on a wonderful sunny nice day, a slight breeze, light clouds.
planing a door. Hanging microwaves and bulletin boards; an organized schedule of popcorn is merre moments away.

For bob, my hopes for happier days.

"the person who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused."
-shirley maclaine
from good feelings to bad feelings in the blink of an eye...
too damn bad, really.

dona nobis pacem
