How about some photo tips?

Current Mood:awake
Current Music:Tool - Opiate to Flood (live to studio KASR Mix)
No - not from me, silly. From the Photojounalism prof. attached to the Corsair...

From the Mar 30, 2006 photo critique for the Corsair Newspaper
a 'building mug' - shot of a building.
shoot the red - guy running in the stadium had red shorts on - or red rain boots on a rainy day.
good design works upside down
the shot of the guy in the stadium is the story of sisyphus

Draw from the bigger concepts to make a timeless picture - sisyphus in the stadium
part of your storytelling
individual as an anchor - putting someone in the bottome 3rd of the photo - again, shot of the stadium - in the shot put sand trap shoud be a person doing something
Ansel - not landscape photog, but weather photog - on the fact that the skies in SM are clear - nice, but not special
Organized mass
not enough people on track, so plan to be there when people are there.
phto mechanic for mac - think it's the program Prof Burkhart was using
Overview picture
cutaway shot
go behind the speaker - wait for a grand gesture
know the rules - and break them very well
Using heads as design elements - to frame a speaker, shooting from the audience
go early - stay late - cardinal rule

elements with storytelling ability
shootig for editing - shot it all, choose best later
we all laughed - it's an effective photo
shadowy people in foreground
you need some anchor
if you don't see it - you have to look for it
sometimes just hail mary it - when in a crowd - just hold it up and shoot
mono pod with shutter release - or a video cam - or use your timer

lots of emotions
out of focus front with in focus back - with spectators - think it was the ping pong comp
journalistic portrait of atendee
resp. for every corner of the photo

look for dark background to shoot lite colored object - eyes go to the light
signs with people
peak emotion
expose highlight - 4 digitals - to get deails
underexposed for digital - can bring up details, can't bring them down from a washed out pic
Sunny 16ths rules
to editor at Nat. Geo - are they working as hard? looking at images compared to sending off pics to be developed and working while they wait for the prints

Open palm - 1/3rd - 18% grey

More relationships between sign and people
Rodan's Ballsac statue leans back, like Antonio on the podium with microphone
draw from classic art

What happened here today?"
Fast enough speeds to eliminate handshake

Stuck in one spot to shoot the orchestra - no, the 2LiveCrew show
15th second
Life is in motion
Shake camera and flash - 2nd curtain sych - flahes at end of shutter - as opposed to at start of open

From 28Mar06
Basics for a great photo - 1 - light 2 - Design - 3 - moment
storyteller - via multiple sequence or just a single
wide setablishing and action detail
closing photo
signature - decisive moment
rules of thirds
forground, midground, background
framing and moments
visual surprise
layered storytelling
centered - very powerful or very dull

short/narrow depth of field focuses attention

"national Geo light"
nice beam of light
contrast and colur are good
a detail shot that tells a story
sense of conflict
cropping is an art
layers work together
spot news - being there when action
aggressively pursing luck
journaisitc ethic
eyes and hands tell great stories
DJs = speak to community a la civil rights in 60s
dienfranchised community speaks up and IS heard
