Current Mood: happy Current community - The Starlingtons - Roundhouse Ok. So it's been a few days now, and Boo IS settling in nicely. I've gotten through a few more boxes of unpacking, and frankly when you have a crew of trained professionals pack/load for you, you might want to tidy up first - I offer the nicely wrapped collection of used matches I unpacked last night - granted, they were in with a lot of other small stuff - neat stones and small glass figurines; I can almost see the metal stand upon which the matches laid, near where I was doing my best to burn candles to add some warmth to LexHaus for my Boo. So I threw them out. Throwing things out - there's a post I'll have to craft one of these days. The den is working out nicely for Boo - she's getting over a bought of crappyness that I fear I shared with her (what with me not really recalling last Thursday much). Was this all traced back to helping out KG when she visited the local emergency room the other week? I just don't know. I'll have to see if I blogged about the joy of going through a metal detector to get to the sign in at the emergency room - odd, but I guess a sign of the times; a sign that we'll take poorly acted out security theater as opposed to actual police enforcement/human compassion (can I get away with writing those two words next to each other??) Boo is enjoying the replacement monitor I got for her left behind twin 19"ers... plus she is really enjoying her co-workers now; wait - no, that would be co-nappers, who both really enjoy having mom and dad and their beds all in one place. Blue loves to curl up in our bed, and Canela is pretty happy with the big rectangular doggy bed I picked up when they arrived with me ... whoa. A month ago. I don't believe it. wow. Ok, so the pups have settled nicely (Canela hasn't quite figured out if she prefers to go out the front or out the back of the house - she's happy to do either at the moment!) and Boo loves having them about while she toils for The Man!!!!; I KNOW they love having the company during the daytime. I'm rolling along at the Big Blue - very interesting being involved in a huge corporation for the first time; different ebb and flow of urgency. I'm learning though, and that's good. Thankful for the chance to experience the big corp world, and lusting after their laptops!!!! ;-) Shari and Blood - haven't caught up with you guys, but you've been in my thoughts. Trying to get pics up is ... challenging. Handed off my lappytop for a few days to Boo so she could do the job thing; was sick; finally got my machine back from her, but haven't had the free time I 'used' to have (all of 2 weeks ago) - when I used to blog/push pics while feeding the pups, I'm now trying to agitate Boo so that she knows I'm thinking of her, and that I love her, and then she tells me to 'just GO' and ... well. Yeah. it's all good. "How is Alicia adjusting to the east coast?" Well, as she's mentioned to a few peeps - she's actually a North Carolinian (sp?) by birth - so it's really just her coming home, really. As the weather swings through it's spring phase, I think we're both overcome by how green and growing this side of the country can be - as in, wow, do we need a lawn care company to come and mow. and take away the branches the fell over the past two storms (storms? er, rains? huh...) Of course, I want her to be healthy and happy with it all, and she's happy to be here with me and the pups, and our friends here are cool and amazing - there was a supper co-op on Monday night - Michelle (SuperMom) threw together a meal for 10 peeps, had us over - way tasty and apparently healthy too! Let's see if I can help understand the craziness around us - Sunday Boo headed over to the studio for the Tech Notes Radio broadcast; picked up / met up with Melissa and KG; got to the studio, ran across the way to get coffee - apparently Earth Day is a 'thing' with peeps who otherwise would go to a food co-op, which is what Weaver Street Market is; wow lots of people!!!! Did the show, headed out to meet up with Kym and Katherine of the Dickens at Fosters, another co-op - more restaurant than market though; Melissa and KG work details of the upcoming CD release event for the Midtown Dickens. Michelle drops off Zach to Melissa, then heads off to a graduation for TROSA peeps, hits a rehearsal of the SOC Rovers (she's gonna be a flag twirler), heads back to the house to prep dinner for Monday Night Supper Club; helps out with our hilarious attempts to do some silk screening for the Dickens' ... luckily, Michelle carries on, carries over, etc etc. Oh - did I mention that Sunday night was when Melissa was getting things together to head out to Boston for a week? I dropped her off at RDU at 6 am for a 7 am flight. No, we didn't stop messing with the silk-screening until nearly midnight. Boo was all nappy, and I have a picture of her with Stewie the cat very happily perched on her hip as Boo naps on the sofa at MnMnZ's... And that was Sunday. Saturday I recall being cranky and boo being busy and ... it was warm. which leads us to Friday, the 27th of April, 2007. wow. I just looked about my work machine, over at FireFox I noticed I had a tab open for a really cool design/interface/info architect site, My Yahoo!, where I try to do the 'portal' thing, and a discussion that I clicked through from my Yahoo! portal page on the possibility of using Ubuntu Linux instead of Windows Vista. I've got iTunes up and I'm really REALLY digging the joys of listening to podcasts ... who knew? (insert laughter at the perfect example of Scott being quite a bit behind the times - where have I been that I haven't been podcasting more? similar to my reluctance at that whole 'internet' thing back in 93/94, eh? {shakes my head} ... I laugh, at least.) I'm pulling down music from the podcast - can't say it's the best music I've heard this week (torn between Midtown Dickens and Future Kings of Nowhere) - but it's nice to have some music at work, and that's not streaming (which will bog down the network and probably get me noticed...) - just quick 5 meg downloads, which I have as mp3 files - so if a song's good, I get to listen to it again. Plus I'm hearing new music. I can also pull down all sorts of goodness from the fine folks at NPR - such as Wait Wait Don't Tell Me!, This American Life, GrammarGirls's Guide To Grammar, etc. Humor, news, instruction - it's like I'm programming my own radio - really really cool. I recommend it - just download iTunes and go to town! (really, you need to go to the store...) So, looking over my day planner, let's see if I can add to this really long post anything useful. - very useful tagging/sharing plug in for Firefox so I can try to organize my browsing, and not lose good sites I'm finding through my work searching... - here's a scary proposition - free, multiple author publishing software - have many writers, create one site. goletas is a screen capture program I recommend - Boo's work machine had a hiccup with the 'prtsc' button - wouldn't paste once she had 'printed' the screen - installed goletas and she's happy! Ma, Shari, Blood - thanks guys for tuning in/calling the radio show. It's not up to my expectations yet, but then again, it's only the first month. We'll have some good shows when we bring in guests - I know the Dickens will be about in the first show in may, maybe the second show. Glad you're enjoying. Yes blood - we're working on a different theme song - issue was, as mentioned above, way too much happening for Melissa, she didn't burn the playlist with the new theme music, so she didn't have a way of handing it off to the guys we follow, so... we made due - but we DO listen to our listeners!!! And we're gonna be able record the shows (had a teen from the show that follows us show me where in the studio we can record to computer!) - it's all good, it's all gonna be awesome! " I figure I'll refrain from calling you every week, although it's tempting. I guess we need to let you talk about your subject each week, instead of using the opportunity to have a family reunion!" Well, you know, it is what it is - if we can help out with a tech concern, call us!!! For you Blood, we'll have KG help out with the Apple/Mac concerns (My iMac is really really nice- should I buy a new iPod to complement it? Yes, yes you should. Next call...) (:-)) And it's true that part of my expertise is from dealing/helping you guys out with issues. So I'm just entertaining my customer base! Haven't seen Arcadia - I'll have to see if Boo's ever caught it. Ultra Marathon Man. what is a nickname Scott will never have? hee hee hee hee... Ok - so this is a bit of an answer to Blood's email, Shari's missed phone call, etc. I hope everyone's good, and that you made it through to the end. the end. ;-) :+s+: dona nobis pacem pinguino 2007-04-30 12:47 pm (local) Select: im glad you guys are settling in nicely! add me on your delicious account! does the screencap site do quicktime video if you have a trailer running? (Reply) (Thread)
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