Mark Morford is at it again.
So it Ted Rall. "What's the worst he can do - kill you?"
touché, sirs - touché.
Dilbert over the weekend - which I have taped to my monitor, express my current/recurring mood - "Furious Ball of Nothing/And I'm not wild about the font"
and so it's thursday afternoon, I started writing a bit ago - perhaps the lead into NaNoWriMo. I'm trying to plan myself into december - it's a bit of a challenge since I'm having a tough time with Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Weeeeeeee
Hope peeps are doing well - the the H&K - sorry to hear of your career changes, but I do hope you celebrated your anniversary with gusto - you two deserve to have lots of fun!
Mom's doing well, the weather is turning fallish here today, and ... well... we're making our way through October, but frankly, it's let us down a tad.
So it Ted Rall. "What's the worst he can do - kill you?"
touché, sirs - touché.
Dilbert over the weekend - which I have taped to my monitor, express my current/recurring mood - "Furious Ball of Nothing/And I'm not wild about the font"
and so it's thursday afternoon, I started writing a bit ago - perhaps the lead into NaNoWriMo. I'm trying to plan myself into december - it's a bit of a challenge since I'm having a tough time with Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Weeeeeeee
Hope peeps are doing well - the the H&K - sorry to hear of your career changes, but I do hope you celebrated your anniversary with gusto - you two deserve to have lots of fun!
Mom's doing well, the weather is turning fallish here today, and ... well... we're making our way through October, but frankly, it's let us down a tad.
dona nobis pacem
"Keep Calm and Carry On"
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