Yummy ...

so, I got all Ala Kazam! in the kitchen and whipped up some pancake batter (Boo rocks cause,well, she did the same last week, and thus I had the ingredients! Yay!) ... and I have to say, they're kinda tasty pancakes! I'll have to figure out what you have to do to them to call them flapjacks...

It was pretty cool to have to mix stuff together before making breakfast. You know, like the 2 tbs of baking powder, which was supposed to be a 1/2 tbs - woops - scrape out the powder that doesn't look like flour and re-read the directions! Oh, and the egg that rolled off the counter and into Blue's water bowl, making a very kinda cool floating ball of yolk. Oh- and if you pour cold water into melted butter, it's ... well, gross. Wash out and start anew!

I've added water and poured to my hearts content in LexHause thanks to the generosity/forgetfulness of Declan when he left his electric griddle there. Oh the joys of pancakes...

Now, of course, I want to do it again, but better - with more perfectness - confectioners sugar, or whipped cream, or fresh fruit!!!
Different flavors of syrup!!!
Weeeeeeeee... weeeeeee ... weeeee ... weee... uh oh - carbcoma about to hit!!!

I'll be heading off to the wilds of the Southern Florida landscape tomorrow. Gots to get down to the Raton of Boca and pick up the new wheels... Boo keeps saying I can't have stickers on the car, but I think she'll be okay with the ones I put on it. What do you think is gonna happen?

I had hoped to have a roady trippin' adventure, complete with sidekick and scavenger hunting, but my timeline doesn't permit that at the moment - sorry Pips and Steph, sorry Bubby.

Things about Hobbit House continue to evolve - got a shelf unit into the den - immediately filled it up with stuff and rearranged the dvds in the living room - why does it seem to be an endless chase of stuff around the rooms of our lives?

Have I mentioned the The Ultimate Steal? It's Microsoft pricing it's Office Suite at about what rational people would want to pay for it. I'm working on getting an .edu email so I can purchase Office 2007 - wwweeeeeeee..... if you have an .edu addy, I'd suggest getting the license for $60 - it's a real bargain.

Wow - thought I'd have more insightful post to offer, but no - the pancakes are making me a happy ball of happiness - not necessarily a productive ball. Oh well... a little on what's going down, and there ya go!


dona nobis pacem

"Keep Calm and Carry On"
pics o' pancakes??? ;)
