A loving family...

Current Mood: happy
where the daughter helps set up the narcotics for her dad. The Loggies should be proud!

Pops Loggie is back in town, if not back in shape. Boo's helping him set up his 'schedule' - should he be awake but in a little pain in the middle of the morning, or late afternoon? The good thing is he walked out of Bethesda Naval this afternoon, no one hit us on the way up 270 (frankly, a miracle), and he's gotten at least one nap in with Shayna guarding him on the sofa. Weeeee....

I'll be hitting the road to head south tonight, I believe. Make sure there's no more heavy lifting I can assist with, and then ... the road!

Clouded up a bit, didn't really get out of 'chilly' today, and there ya go - an update from the field.

dona nobis pacem

"Keep Calm and Carry On"
