Day 2 of the Couch to Breakers run-up...

Current Mood: happy
Current Music:Patrick Swayze - Run like the wind
The true positive is that we have the whole 'couch' thing NAILED!!!!!
But, have to say, it's a good feeling of feeling like crap, quite frankly.

And since I've got some brain damage going on, I have tracked down Mr. Swayze's 'She's like the wind' because I swore it had the lyrics "run like the wind' ... nope. 'She's like the wind' ... ugh.

Oh, and we strolled last night before the delicious Chicken Divan derivative Boo made, took Blue, and said hi to Adrianne, our neighbor. Weeee ....

Oh, and I hung out with Beth on Friday night and saw Semi-Pro - decent, but Will's done better. Then hit up the Green Room over on Broad Street, where I was schooled in shuffleboard by Ty and KC. Beth and I tried (she's actually skilled), but sadly we were not victorious. Next time, maybe.

We had a great brunch over at Viv's Sunday - her aunt Jodi was in town, enjoying life, and we gathered and nibbled in her honor. Even had myself some grits. Damn, I'm feeling more and more southern every day.

dona nobis pacem

"Keep Calm and Carry On"
