Back at Hobbit House...

Current Mood: happy
Current Music:Me First And The Gimme Gimmes - Ghost Riders In The Sky
Blue is slumped (sloughed?) upon the floor, fresh CSI episodes have been enjoyed, and we ponder how the hell it got to be April 13th.

The beach was a great trip - we got up too early this morning, had to pack - boo! - and then stopped over at Caswell Beach in the shadow of the light house. Flew some kites, decided to head out and grab some Italian on the way home. Canoles. Yay!

Made good time rolling East to ole Durham Town. last few pics up at "08 April Beach 2" flickr set ... think I'll think about laundry and unpacking and just hit the sack her in a bit. But let's review what we've learned this weekend:
Beach time is good time
Family at/near the beach is good
puppies nip ... a lot!
we miss our pup when we're away
good peeps and good times make me thankful.

dona nobis pacem

"Keep Calm and Carry On"
