75 degrees ...

Current Mood: thankful
Current Music:Francis Dunnery - Good Life
but the trip to and from the airport was HEAVENLY!!!! Oh so nice to roll with the windows down.
Blood's at the airport, heading off soon enough ... ugh - got her there early cause apparently it's a 20 minute drive, not 30. Sorry sis...

Had a fab time out in Wilmington - congrats Dani!!! Wendy and Mike managed the brood nicely, Bon Appétit has ridiculous breakfasts, everyone loves Tyler's at American Tobacco Campus, and Blood likes my friends (I suspect they dig her too!)

Tuesday morning. gonna be hot. We're all gonna be fine, I'm sure. It's a good life. Family & Friends ... and cool drinks!

more soon - pics galore, of course. Some even great photos!

dona nobis pacem

"Keep Calm and Carry On"
