Current Mood:
Current Music:Candlebox - Far Behind
40.xx years old.
here's a circa 1993 pic -

or here's one circa 1986 or so, I think...

a return of the three guys on a brick wall - only this time with kelly across our laps!
and how about DC, the silver diner, and scott's scary fashion sense?? Circa 1995...

Well, hope you're enjoying this trip stroll down memory lane...
dona nobis pacem
"Keep Calm and Carry On"
( 1 comment)

elderz2008-08-01 11:57 am (UTC)
I really am. This is really interesting. Thanks!
40.xx years old.
here's a circa 1993 pic -
or here's one circa 1986 or so, I think...
a return of the three guys on a brick wall - only this time with kelly across our laps!
and how about DC, the silver diner, and scott's scary fashion sense?? Circa 1995...
Well, hope you're enjoying this trip stroll down memory lane...
dona nobis pacem
"Keep Calm and Carry On"
( 1 comment)
I really am. This is really interesting. Thanks!
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