"the salvation army band played..

Current Mood: nostalgic
and the children drank lemonade
and the morning lasted all day ..."

wow - Life in a norther town - by The dream academy plays on the tv - yay PS3 trippy visualizations ... but the track's on my lappy top - whoa! yay wireless net goodness!

so, we've had some stormy weather - all good at Hobbit House, and from our friends around town. do hope everyone else is still here, and not on their way to Oz.

Matt's farm house, upstairs in the tv room, watching MTv, I think is where I first heard this tune. liked it right away, and that like has stuck with me, even when I owned the cd (ever find that you wanted something only to find that when you got it the desire was gone? Happens to me with music a lot, though not so much anymore - stupid classic rock stations!!!!)

Ok. just a short note.
stormy weather, we're doing fine, Dream Academy is cool.

~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||

"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
