I was 16 ... I think.

Current Mood: thankful
Current Music:steamy FLA goodness
Bill said "come visit" ... it was his 1st semester in college - New College in 'Florida' ... too cool. So I bailed on high school, cut off all my jeans to make shorts, I took a bus to Long Island to have moments with friends and I presume I flew to Florida, but hell - maybe I took the bus.
Had taken a bus previously (age 13 I think) to visit Sister Shari when she was living in Venice, a town close but south of here. That visit was dominated by the theft of a stereo I had been lugging all over Deerfield that summer, lost to the friendliest stranger I ever met in NYC (right inside Port Authority!), it being amazingly hot but Shari had AC, and that I gathered sand dollars for a 'girl'... oh the things we end up doing for a girl.

The trip to New College was fun, trying, and weird - hitch hiking and not getting to where I wanted to be, recycling in the back of a Fiat x1/9 ... chicken teriyaki with celery. sprinting through Newark (?) with cowboy boots, and wow - perhaps a heartfelt thanks to pops G. for picking up my plane ticket so I could go north with Bill for the turkey day break... hmmm. AirTran(?) charging money for sodas. good times...

25 years later... back to the area, just now realizing where the hell I am - thanks google maps. Bubbie's got a nice place with a view of the bay of Tampa. Boo's doin ok... glad to have me visiting.

Won't be long, but I'll enjoy the trip while I can.


~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||

"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
