Places you are, places you end up at...

Current Mood: curious
I'm looking out of a 10th story window, over a bay, into more water and THE bay, at a bridge that goes to another bridge. Sunset time...

Boo likes the view, odd for her dislike of heights. She likes watching the pelicans... don't we all? Bubbie is hanging in good, doing her in house appointments with some enthusiasm - she's really looking forward to getting back to Milwaukee. Go figure.

Most definitely over the last 3 years I've had the chance - time and time again - to ponder 'how did I get here?' - and be thankful for the timing and circumstances. I think back to a time when where I was didn't matter in the least, for where ever I went - there I was, to quote a wise 80's philosopher! Why did I make it to the east coast in time to be around for my pop, for boo's pop, for my mom, for boo's Bubbie? Why? how odd these things called 'life'...

So here I am, as I reminisced yesterday, in the one southeast locale I had ties to before I left upstate new york. Odd.

places I needed to be...

odd. I should say something about the Great Circus Parade posters about Bubbie's condo...

ciao, s.

~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||

"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
