know how I say "friends... can't have too many"?

Well, here's a link to one our many friends ... Carrie at Violet Cottage. she's awesome in so many ways.

of course, we're not friends with everyone - no one we know has one of these yet!
boo was positively impressed by the red one we saw over near the sprint repair store yesterday...

from following a link from facebook took me here - not a sentimental dirge about Louis C.K.'s poignant note that bringing home a puppy is just a promise that you'll be sad in a few year. No, it's patton oswald on jason statham. wow.

but truth be told, even if I knew the truth of Louis' sentiment, I'd still do it all over again. even the sucky parts. I realize how much our friends came to our aid that night, and through the years since. really making it ok for us, as ok as we could be. hate to think how it could have gone down. so tell a friend how much they mean to you over a pumpkin latte this week - when it's all damn fine. they might not be able to hear you between the sobbing otherwise.

miss ya girl. hope you're finding what you're sniffing for!


~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||

"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
