baby giggles vs. puppy dog ears...

apparently that's gonna be the death match to win.

Boo's chasing the green dragon while enjoying meeting her newest niece in the winter wonderland that is MoVil.

Hung out with MnB @ Motoroco last night. damn we heart the Dickens. also, the old ceremony new how to keep things going. and megafaun certainly had a great time - with shout out to ian - someone to watch. as soon as he gets his driver's license. Wonder if he knows the kid who brought tobbaco road to their feet with his inspired cover of whole lotta love (zep); maybe 9, crazy hair, very very cool parents.

what's that? where have my posts been recently? er, well, good question. got stumped by trying to be poignant for MLK, then wandered the internet in search of a good idea, or at least a great deal.

but here I am.

did you see the pics of the pouch who came a visiting for few days?

Yeah, she was kinda super cute. Boo has more pics and better captions over at her blog -
Protodoom: The Doom That Comes Before All Others!: STOP: Puppytime!

oh - hey - have you seen blue today? kinda cute I tell ya...


~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||

"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
