so 2011's going fine!

Made it to the weekend, and Holly & Karl & Mika have come to visit - yay!!! boo's very very happy to see them, as am I, and Morgan too! (previously on 'scott's life', boo, Scott, Morgan & Blood had made it to the Rally to Restore Sanity/and/or Fear in DC -
target=_blank - where much fun was had & Morgan got to meet our cool friends H&K!)

Luckily I was able to prep Hobbit House a tad -
From 1101 Life

and we had a tasty dinner at Tobacco Road in downtown - shame they call themselves a sports bar, cause the food is really really tasty.

There wasn't much out and about - a little chilly, plus some road/life weariness on the part of our friends. Luckily relaxing is something we CAN offer, and after way too much shock and awe at what you can stream via YouTube to your PS3, we crashed for the night.

Up at a decent hour on a saturday morning, I can only ponder what the day will bring.

Hope you're having a fabulous weekend, the first of many for 2011. Cheers!!!

oh - have you seen a cute pic of blue today? well here you go -

what's that - what is scotty looking like this year? really? you're interested in that? well, ok - just for you -

have fun.

~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||

"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
