why hello march - how the hell are you?

rabbits of white
rabbits of night
rabbits in twos & threes
rabbits hiding up in the trees
why do I care so much about rabbits?
why do I care so much about them -
don't I know where I'm going
I can get there without them?

The West Marginals play quietly in the corner of my office here at work (thanks blood for turning me onto them!). I'm sitting at the table I somehow inherited - it's too often just another flat surface for me to stack too much shit on. today, however, I just enjoyed a microwave-cooked meal while finishing one of the endless websites I whole heartedly intend to 'finsih' - this one how ever has some awesome quotes about our digital life that I'd like to share.

Why I don't care very much about tablets anymore in which Jon Stokes mentions "but after the initial "wow" factor wears off, these apps mainly serve to remind me that there's already too much good stuff to read out there, and that my life is slipping away from me in an infinite stream of interesting bits about smart animals, dumb criminals, outrageous celebs, shiny objects, funny memes, scientific discoveries, economic developments, etc.. I invariably end up closing the app in a fit of guilt, and picking up one of the truly fantastic dead tree or Kindle books that I'm working my way through at the moment, so that I can actually exercise my brain (as opposed to simply wearing it out)."

Exercise my brain as opposed to simply wearing it out. Bravo sir, bravo.

For my next trick I'm gonna try to exercise me - my being, my life, my wants and focus - by setting aside my overwhelming (at times) pursuit of other's concerns. I think it's gonna be as difficult as I make it - but I think I have a few things I need to do, and now's as good a time as any.

such as getting myself into the kitchen - like I did last night with the support of Morgan, and together we crafted a nice meal for our co-worker Rachel who's at home with a newborn. Hope the little guy likes sweet potato & black bean burritos! ;-) if not, he'll love Morgan's salsa I'm sure.

so look at me - cooking. and really having a few eye opening moments - such as a garlic head will easily be smooten (smighted? hmmm) with a typical frying pan. Just like on tv, but with a much more surprised look on the chef's face. Also, using a food processor to get out of hand mashing sweet potatoes, to use an analogy I've been throwing around as I poke about in EpiData software, is like hanging a cute puppy calendar with a pneumatic nail gun - sure, it'll get the job done, but perhaps the just plain regular hammer will do the job just as well.
{if you care, EpiData seems to be a perfectly fine hammer, with witch to build birdhouses or your summer cabin; even hang a calendar in either one. As opposed to say SAS or MySQL or even Access databases - which are all very much the pneumatic nailer of the database realm.}

Boo's been enjoying the feburary of scott's content, and hopefully she'll share all the things that have made her happy happy happy with the world in a blog post soon.

Springtime seems to be creeping up on us - thought today is a nice sunny high 50s that I'm more accustomed to as the winter fades away. Unlike the high 70s and incredible storms of yesterday/last night. I'm at least paying attention to what's out side - yay!!

Ok - thought I'd get some words out so those of you who are pleasantly distracted by my mutterings have an idea of what's what - we shall pursue a scott focuses action plan for the month of march, with a late month glamping excursion followed fairly rapidly by some live music - definitely John D/The Mountain Goats at the Cradle on the 8th of April, and who knows - the trio of hard rockers out of Canada just may get an audience with me!

Hope your springtime is bringing you the happiness you deserve.

Feel free to look upon Blue if you need a pick me up!


~ S ~ || dona nobis pacem ||

"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
