though I posted on Tuesday of arriving for my Mindfulness class 20 minutes early, anxious about what to be prepared for, and generally a tad stressed (ironic?), things went well for the most part. There WILL be woo, that was a given though I didn't want to realize that.
Mary Love is the instructor's name - did we expect anything different? She sent the story stone around so we could introduce ourselves! There was a brief discussion of the concerns of yoga pillow storage issues. She offered dessert, but only rang a bowl - what a tease!
We did get a fleeting glimpse of a lovely sunset as well as a moment or three to enjoy the rise of the full moon...
When Blood caught up with me last night we had a great chat about how a certain amount of those who find this type of class/instruction/introduction to be, well ... older ladies. Who are in search of things. Or maybe just one thing. Not really sure, kinda hard to say - but we both are understanding that this class will be an opportunity to challenge my prejudicial views. And oh what a challenge ...
But isn't that what taking a class is all about? Bettering ourselves? & if a challenge comes in the form of questioning - in a most contemplative and mindful way - if it is better to be the person uttering curses to the lout who answered their cell phone in a sanctuary, or if it's better to be the lout - well, that's a challenge now isn't it?
As Blood's teacher was fond of instructing - 'Begin again' ...
I'm sure I'll find that the concept of slowing and focusing will run headlong into my fast paced focus and attention I'm used to. 'Attention with IN-tention' Mary Love commented, that caused me to note ... but as I tried on my commutes - if I'm mindful that I'm annoyed because I'm paying attention and the lady who I had to honk at, and then who's child had to tell her I honked at her, to take the green arrow from club to roxborro - there's got to be a better way. do I pay less attention to the outside, while noting how I'm breathing, and how the car seat feels against my back? do I really focus on the ire boiling up to express itself in frustrated hand gestures as I see the lady is still texting while she drives north on roxborro? where do I stop paying mindful attention? do I redirect the focus? eeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!
Guess that's why I'm studenting through this class, huh? Suspect I'll have plenty of opportunities to work on it from every angle!
One thing I'm pretty sure of, though, is that it's a good thing to make people happy in the world, and I do so love making Boo smile, perchance feel a bit of joy from time to time.
Say, with saying 'congrats!!' with an insidious grass...
Or by saying 'I Heart You!" during the most romantic of romantic holidays - Valentine's Day ...
Had I not been dealing with shipping issues, I probably would have made a heart shaped wallpaper to install on it ... we'll see how much she likes this tablet over her Nook (which she loves quite a bit...) - so far, so good. HP's webOS (which they got from Palm, Inc.) really is a stunning operating system - a very quiet and not at all popular with the apps making community, but a great experience so far. We'll see what it'll take to put Android on it (since that's what all the cool kids are doing...) and see if it helps her find a bit or three of joy...
and as my sis helped me understand lo those many months ago -
May my joy be your yoj!
oh - hey - blue!
Mary Love is the instructor's name - did we expect anything different? She sent the story stone around so we could introduce ourselves! There was a brief discussion of the concerns of yoga pillow storage issues. She offered dessert, but only rang a bowl - what a tease!
We did get a fleeting glimpse of a lovely sunset as well as a moment or three to enjoy the rise of the full moon...
When Blood caught up with me last night we had a great chat about how a certain amount of those who find this type of class/instruction/introduction to be, well ... older ladies. Who are in search of things. Or maybe just one thing. Not really sure, kinda hard to say - but we both are understanding that this class will be an opportunity to challenge my prejudicial views. And oh what a challenge ...
But isn't that what taking a class is all about? Bettering ourselves? & if a challenge comes in the form of questioning - in a most contemplative and mindful way - if it is better to be the person uttering curses to the lout who answered their cell phone in a sanctuary, or if it's better to be the lout - well, that's a challenge now isn't it?
As Blood's teacher was fond of instructing - 'Begin again' ...
I'm sure I'll find that the concept of slowing and focusing will run headlong into my fast paced focus and attention I'm used to. 'Attention with IN-tention' Mary Love commented, that caused me to note ... but as I tried on my commutes - if I'm mindful that I'm annoyed because I'm paying attention and the lady who I had to honk at, and then who's child had to tell her I honked at her, to take the green arrow from club to roxborro - there's got to be a better way. do I pay less attention to the outside, while noting how I'm breathing, and how the car seat feels against my back? do I really focus on the ire boiling up to express itself in frustrated hand gestures as I see the lady is still texting while she drives north on roxborro? where do I stop paying mindful attention? do I redirect the focus? eeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!
Guess that's why I'm studenting through this class, huh? Suspect I'll have plenty of opportunities to work on it from every angle!
One thing I'm pretty sure of, though, is that it's a good thing to make people happy in the world, and I do so love making Boo smile, perchance feel a bit of joy from time to time.
Say, with saying 'congrats!!' with an insidious grass...
Or by saying 'I Heart You!" during the most romantic of romantic holidays - Valentine's Day ...
Had I not been dealing with shipping issues, I probably would have made a heart shaped wallpaper to install on it ... we'll see how much she likes this tablet over her Nook (which she loves quite a bit...) - so far, so good. HP's webOS (which they got from Palm, Inc.) really is a stunning operating system - a very quiet and not at all popular with the apps making community, but a great experience so far. We'll see what it'll take to put Android on it (since that's what all the cool kids are doing...) and see if it helps her find a bit or three of joy...
and as my sis helped me understand lo those many months ago -
May my joy be your yoj!
oh - hey - blue!
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