Sitting at the desk, wind blowing through the trees...

spring time on e Maynard
Pondering these thoughts - should enjoying a tasty beer after getting one final taken care of, paying for summer classes, and preparing to cram for the other 3 finals ... this is all good, right?

lovely to look at
Wanted to make sure that I made note of a few truths I've uncovered today. In no particular order:
  1. There's a website design company called Shut Up I'm Awesome
blooms above the toad house

  1. I know this because they are the ones who crafted the look and feel of Vivian Maier's site - where an unknown photographer grants us a chance to take a magical trip back to a real time, real places. Not bad for "A free spirit but also a proud soul" - so very cool.
even more blooms - yay our yard!

  1. At a rant-site on the future dictatorship of Obama (He'll be our LAST president...), where the crazy is in full bloom, comment #137 by Shasta used this phrase: "6 degrees of spectulation(sic)". I may in turn use that phrasing in the future. The complete 2nd sentence: " No better than the terrorists of the world, using fear, anger, and 6 degrees of spectulation(sic)."

How's your day going?
it is a lovely spring so far...

}S{ | dona nobis pacem |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"

{{3:10p + 24Apr2013 = Wednesday afternoon || Boo listens to RuPaul's DragRace in the living room}}
