feet up, cool drink at hand |
At a time in Boo & I's life when we are able to look back upon what was, what could have been, we get to sit and do absolutely nothing... we eat when we're hungry ... have a tasty beverage (btw, Krupnikas is very very tasty!!) when we feel like it, and even when outside forces conspire to drag our wearied but relaxing souls into the world, I find that the strolls Lady-tron and I have taken have done nothing ill to my mood - look, a white bird that Lady-tron failed to notice!
big white bird - right there... sigh |
Lady-tron keeps Boos toes warm |
You breathe in, breathe out - no need to do the hard thinking or mental ultra-marathon/obstacle course to retrace how we got here. Waves crashing day and night, beating out a rhythm that just may be the most natural thing ever. Certainly attracts my attention ... draws us close, not for inspection, but introspection - how does something so big out there draw one inwards??
{{Jape sings At the Heart of All This}}
all so quiet at night, so serene... |
I like looking out windows |
it's a good life |
}S{ | dona nobis pacem |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"{{The Only Way by Gotye || 11:26a + 3April2013 = Wednesday, late morning..}}
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