Ma never surfed ...

fret not, probably won't go past the surf zone...
Wonder why? Wonder what her favorite cake / ice-cream flavor combo was? Wonder what I would have gotten her (besides a phone call...) this year - a nook? can you do Sudoku on an e-reader?

Celebrate the good days, the good reasons - cake AND ice cream, fuck yeah! Push the haze aside, dig into the memories (no possibility of photographic proof ... sigh) - Mom's birthday - beginning of June - huh. got nothing.

It's an odd week - we think of those not with us, not here anymore. In mere minutes I will get to refocus on the one I've worked hard to keep close, to keep happy, to keep loved - pondered how the hell that came to be over the past few days, the minutes beneath the haze of a burn-pile of past crap going up in embers on a warm spring evening, wonders of photos - so many damn photos - to make me wonder and question how we got here - how come ... not that I'm looking for an answer; more an assurance that it's real, it's ok, it's all gonna work out just fine.

so yeah ... I'll keep looking at pics, keep thinking of missed loved ones, keep recalling the smiles and laughs - what else can I do?

}S{ | dona nobis pacem |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"

{{11:26p + 5Jun2013 = Wednesday eve || U2 sings of your "Blue Room"}}
