Durhamtown Decade ... so odd

almost the same, just 10 years on
Seems like forever ago ... such different times, lives, dreams.
First I made it to the 'big city' ...
... with all it's 'fancy' food ...
... but Durhamtown had it's own eclectic vibe ...
... and it's very own 'fancy' dining too!
Didn't know then I'd make a go at living here in the Triangle.
Wonder what else I didn't know I'd do? There's a list!!

So it's ok, good even to ponder the times that are past, and on this particular Friday I do plan on celebrating the beginnings of very very good times for me and mine - I hope there are wonderful memories you can recall and touch upon today, while having a moment or 7 to think "huh, so that's where I might end up?" - every journey starts somewhere.

:: s :: | vivere militare est |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"
{yes, this has been a un-chosen place for my words of late. I blame the ubiquitous Book of Faces. But Winter's coming, I hear ... no - wait - actually what I heard was more like this: "//better times are coming better times ahead // nobody gets remembered for things they didn't do" which if the intertubes don't lie is Frank Turner - Peggy Sings the Blues}
{{8:51am + 11Jul2014 = Friday morn || KEXP streams}}
