curling up winter returns ... feb '16 |
the punk ideal - what was that? what happens when punks grow up?
beside 'reach for the sky' ... as they might. feb '16 |
Seems in the world we live in being cautious and courteous is all good and well, but being able and willing to be completely dickish is a really good skill to have.
"You've got to let me know - should I stay or should I go?"
sunrise colors, and a large ball in our tree ... feb '16 |
But I didn't. I haven't. I'm here, now.
Perhaps the rage I've felt on and off through the years is just my inner punk, pogoin' for any and everything to change and fall and burn and be different.
But the banks and bankers still stand, the cops still have the power to kill you so be scared; and there seems to minimal justice to be found - it's all so much shit, that finding the good parts of your day, of my day - and celebrating them is both incredibly hard and so incredibly important.
looking at the sky, loving the colors, shapes, contrasts - it's one way I stay sane. feb '16 |
the dude in the red coat, not smiling, but doing fine... feb '16 |
To the next new year, when things will continue to be better and different and oh so sweet. Declarations and filings will become the past; facts may change and the truth will continue to bloom, visible to all who gaze upon the lush, gorgeous garden. Just be careful of the thorns, eh?
Hell, we'll have another International Clash Day!! Thanks KEXP! "Go straight to hell, boy ..." - but why should we be sexist, eh? ::s::
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| Respice ad diem hanc |
{9:10a + 5Feb16 = Friday || Int'l Clash Day!!|| The Clash's "Clash City Rockers" from their album The Clash, as John pogos, I'm sure, at KEXP}
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