Recently I've had opportunity to fish for some memories, some recollections.
Seems, sadly (happily?) I've placed them in a safe place.
Which I'll find soon enough I suspect.
Other thoughts, other recollections, other memories - they're always at my fingertips, always available. I will say I've learned heartfelt gratitude in that they do not hurt nearly as much as they once did.
From her joy of having a new Saturn (they'd was it for her every time she took it in!!) to her joy of having a son on the radio (WCOM - LP FM, Carrboro, NC) - they are easy to find, they feel nice to remember.
My mom made me smile often and always. My mom had kindness and love.
Though I miss her dearly, it makes me happy to think of her from time to time.
Of the oddities in my life, I think they make her happy - I just don't know.
Yet being loved, knowing love, I feel that I just may be correct.
She gifted me a love for music that has kept me sane. She raised my sisters to be wonderful loving family, and they've kept me sane. Thanks Mom. You'd love John's 'Mom Show' - I just know it.
There are other memories that are still close, those remind me of the love we all received as we wept, as we stumbled in a daze. Such acts of kindness, of humanity - mom would have approved.
Miss ya ma.
Love you
:: s :: | vivere militare est |
"Keep Calm and Carry On" or "Keep Calm ... and Cupcakes!"//11:54p+20Oct16 = Thursday evening || silence//